A true internationalist

Created by Grace 3 years ago

I first came to know Stan when I was researching a book in the National Archives.  It was about Britain and the muderous dicatorships of Argentina and Pinochet's Chile.   When the Argentine military took power in a brutal coup in 1976, I found a letter from only one British MP condemning the coup.   That MP was Stan Newens.   For all Margaret Thatcher's rhetoric about standing up against the junta during the Falklands war, her govenrment actually sold arms to that dictatorship, and Stan stood up again and again in parliament condemning those arms sales.        Years before Robin Cook was talking about ethical foreign policy, Stan was talking about human rights and foreign policy.  He was a true internationalist standing up for the rights of people all around the world.   He was a great inspiration to so many.  He will be sadly missed.


Grace Livingstone